Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sims Lauguage: Similish

For every unique game there is unique things that come with it. One of the unique things about the Sims in the made up language that the Sims speak. We call it "Similish". The development team for the language. The written language is based off of English, French, Finnish, Latin, Ukrainian, Cebuano, Fijian and Tagalog, The spoken verysion is all just jibberish. The main lead developer hired  actors that were good at making up gibberish on the spot. -- This is a link to another blog, she does a wonderful job of clearly stating what jibberish cordinates with the Sim.
Take a look and see and potencially learn Similish.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Expansion Packs

Lets talk about making the Sims even better! How is this possible? Every base game for the Sims comes with their own set of expansion packs, stuff packs, free packs, downloads etc. Making it more enjoyable for you. Downloading packs to your game can give you more furnitcher, skills, worlds, clothing, and SO much more.

The link I am giving you is the Sims Wika page. They have lots of good content and I persoanlly use it all the time for all kinds of stuff. The purpose of this link right now is for you to click on it and go through all the wonderful expanions that EA has to offer. The site has all of them, Sims 1-4. Take a look.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Mobile Sims

If you are anything like me, you like taking your games with you where ever you go. But with Sims all the formats are different espically in mobile gaming. The mobile version is so much more simple then ordinary game play. You can experince almost the same things on sims mobile then any of the other version. Making it more flexbile and easier to work with. But, be warned it gets very addicting. So Keep Calm and Sim On

Comparing PC and Console

When you start playing Sims you need to take into consideration that type of system that you will be playing on, rather its PC, Laptop, XBOX etc. each system is going to be different and you may find out that you might not like a particular system.
I would type out manually all of the differences but, that is just ALOT. Here is a video that sums it up quite nicely. 

He only does compare Sims 3 with other systems but you will run into the same problems even if you have other versions of the game. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

New to Sims?

The Sims world is very different and seems like an almost new culture if you havent got the slightest clue what you are looking at. Besides growing up with the game, Sims Vlogs have helped me a ton with the creation of houses, things to do on Sims and so much more. The two Sims vlogs that I like to watch on Youtube is "Deligracy" and "The Sims Supply". Not only are they kinda humorus but you learn a thing or two as you watch them. Hopefully you enjoy them just as much as I do. Check it out



The Sim Supply

Hope you guys enjoyed the videos. Keep Calm and Sim On

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Comparing Sims 3 and Sims 4

Sims 3
The Sims 3 has eleven expanison packs, and nine stuff packs. The Sims 3 has the most expansion and stuff packs out of all the Sims games. It comes with 1 pre-desighned world but the user can add, create, or edit as they wish to the neighborhood. The user can also download neighborhoods and gain them from different expansion packs. There is seven life stages baby, toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, and elder. All sims age active household or not but, the age duration can be changed by the user. The Sims 3 gives you ten skills, four toddler skills, and ten secret skills, good news! there is
18 other skills sims can use from expanison packs. Aspirations are replaced with lifetime wishes and lifetime happiness points. Wishes and promises replace wants and there is no fears on this base game.  Days off are the same as Sims 2. Memories make a comback but they are now called Patch 22 which users can screenshot or customize. The billing system is the same as Sims 2 and so is the iconic Plumbob. Female pregancy is also the same as in the Sims 2. When children fail a class nothing happens, tecnically they dont even have to go to school. If the user decided not to let them go to school, the child will not be allowed to gain anouth trait when they have a birthday. Number of maximum floors for a house is the same as Sims 2. The users sims friends can now call them and all NPC are interactive.

Naming your sims is the same system as Sims 2. Everything else is the same as the past base game except for a few things. With the sims hair the user can now add highlights, different root colors or tips. Users can now customize fittness, thickness etc. Users can now customize the sims voice. All accsesories are now customizable. They have added a new trait system. They have unique personality traits that can determine lifetimes wishes. The user can make a family tree and still establish relationships between the sims.

Sims 4 
Since the game is still in the making. They are still making expansions packs but so far  they only have two expanion packs amd three stuff packs. There is three pre-desighned worlds but certain packs can add worlds and vaction spots. There os 6 life stages like baby, child, teen, young adult, adult and elder. Babies make a comaback and are not objects again. Lifespan, age, and rate of age can be customized.  There is now 20 skills and 4 skills for children. There is 4 skills that can be gained form expanion packs. There is now skills specific for age group. Aspirtaion return for all age groups. Whims and goals replace wishes and wants. Whims are short term goals that are linked to aspirations.  There is still no fears. Memories are optional at his point in the game. Bills are now delivered once a week. Plumbob is still the same as in the Sims 2 and 3. Female sims are introduced to pregancy trimesters, As for buliding there is only a maximum of 4 floors that you can have including a basement. If children are failing school all they get is a negative moodlet now. Sims can use the phone alot more, kinda like a modern day smartphone. They can call their freinds. organize a date, mamnage their buisness and work life, and much more. All NPC are interactive.

Names are still the same system as the past two base games and so is all the headstyle. The biggest change is Creat-A-Sim is how much control the users has to customizing their sim. They can customize down to the little details like cheek bones and and how big the thighs can get. Shoes are not a category all in their own. User can now customize whole outfits and they added party cloths for sims. Every Sims begins with three raits and a bonus trait, but also traits can be bought with awards. The family tree funcion is still the same as Sims 3.

Yes, this was a pretty boring blog post but sometimes you have to know the changes EA has made to sims before you start playing the game. Keep calm and Sim on.

Comparing Original Sims and Sims 2

EA has created 4 different Sims base games and each one of them is unique in their own way, lets compare them.

Original Sims
The original Sims has seven expansion packs, and no stuff packs. Stuff packs is content you can buy that gives your sims clothing, furnitcher, business etc. The base game comes with 3 neghborshoods which are all the same. The sims go through three life stages, baby, child and adult. Babies are considered obejcts, meaning you have very little contact and action with them. There is six skills and only one secret skill. There is no aspirations, no wants or fears. Sims recieve no days off from work or school. Does not allow access to to have memories. Bills are delivered once every three days to the sims mailbox. The plumbob (dimond floating above sims) has twp colors green and red, colors to refelct their mood. Sims female do not get pregant. instead, a screen pops up asking if you would like a baby. In building mode, users are limited to two floors and a basement, there is no roof selection. Children with failing grades are banished and forced into millitary school and the user will never see them again. Sims only recive prnak phone calls and the sims is late from work. Sims can only talk to other "Townies", not people like maids or drivers. All children attend the same school. 

With creating a sim on the original sims all sims must have the same name. When the user picks a head style it also determines hair color, facial hair, eyes etc. There is only three skin colors, light, medium and dark. The body type depends on the the kind of cloths the user picks. Outfits like sleepwear, swimwear, formalwear are chosen automatically. Jewlery, accessories, etc are not customizable. There is no option for a family tree. The orignal sims gives you 25 perosnality points for 5 categories, but you are not required to use all the points

Sims 2
The Sims 2 has eight expansion packs, and nine stuff packs. Lot more stuff to get and buy in the Sims 2 then in the original Sims. The base game comes with three pre-desighned neighborshoods, the town can be edited to the users wants, the user can even build their own neighborhood from scratch. Expansion packs come with new neighborhoods and vacations spots. There is six life stages that include baby, toddler, child, teen, adult, and elder. All the sims age and die but only in the active household (the family you are playing). You are allowed seven skills and three toddlor skills there is even seven secret skills the sims can have. Teend and older can gain skills, they can have 1 of 5 aspirations. The aspirations also effect the sims wants and fears. All children and toddlors have the same aspirations. All the sims except for babeis have four wants and three fears. There is a seven day week with days off from work and the children get weekends off from school. Sims automatically collect visible memories for actvities such as gossiping. Intead, bills are delivered on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Plumbob is the same as the original sims. There is three days of pregnancy and the babies get traits passed down from their parnets. Buildings are only limiterd to five floors but with a cheat the maxiimum is 15 floors. If a child is failing school and Social Worker can take away your child. Sims call their friends, there is no more prank phone calls. All but a few NPS are interactive like drivers. 

Finally the sims can have different last names. It makes it alot more interesting for the game play. Head style only determines the head shape and not the eye color or hair style. The user can now customize the hair, eyebrows, eyes, etc. But, there is only four shaded colors for both hair and skin color. Body types range from thin, fit, and fat for the users sim. Sleepwere, swimwere, etc can be chosen by the user. But, shoes come with the pants and or outsfits. Aspirations are the same as the Original Sims. and there is not a family tree and you can edit relationships like make two people married and two children siblings. 

Stay tuned for the comparison on Sims 3 and Sims 4. Keep Calm and Sim On

Thursday, September 8, 2016


If you like simulations games, being in control, or just simply need to be creative, Sims is the one for you. Sims was created by EA and published by Electroic Arts. Its also one of the best selling games of all times. 

My name is Ashley Broxterman. I am from a tiny town called Rossville, Kansas. So as you can imagine there was not much to do.

I developed my love for Sims when I was around 8 years old. My mother would sit me on her lap and  and let me play. As  got older the more I got entraced with the game. Spending (almost) all my money I had on Sims expansion packs to enhance the game. Sims has became a strong part of my life and even enhanced some of my friendships.

In my blog I will talk about Sims 1-4 and their expanison packs, mods you can install, cheats you can activate, glitches that happen, teach you some similish, the Online Sims Community and much more.  I will be mainly focusing on the PC versions of Sims and not so much on the consoles and mobile versions.

Follow my blog to learn more on all things Sims. Keep Calm and Sim On.