Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sims Lauguage: Similish

For every unique game there is unique things that come with it. One of the unique things about the Sims in the made up language that the Sims speak. We call it "Similish". The development team for the language. The written language is based off of English, French, Finnish, Latin, Ukrainian, Cebuano, Fijian and Tagalog, The spoken verysion is all just jibberish. The main lead developer hired  actors that were good at making up gibberish on the spot. -- This is a link to another blog, she does a wonderful job of clearly stating what jibberish cordinates with the Sim.
Take a look and see and potencially learn Similish.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is intense! It kind of reminds me of Lord of the Rings and the deep development of language. It's crazy to me that a video game could be this elaborate!
