Friday, November 18, 2016

Sims Music Videos

We all can admit that we all love music videos. There serious ones, the sad ones, the funny ones, the knock offs. They all hold a special place in our hearts. Lovers of Sims have taken their time and talent to put together Sims music videos for us to share and enjoy on you tube.

They range from country and rap videos to operas and classical music. The possibilities are endless. 

If you want to. You can also make your own Sims music video. All  it takes is some time and effort. It would be ways easier to make them on a mac or PC computer vs like an Xbox or PlayStation. 

You would login to your family that you would want to have star in the video. After that, locate the video button, it should be at the bottom left corner of the screen. One you press that you can record whatever that certain sim is doing. After you are all done you can go to your personal gallery and edit the videos as need and post.

"Im my own Grandpa" is probably one of my favorites, its very funny and really well put together. 

"7 years old" this one is more modern and still good.

Sims history and creation

Ive been talking alot about Sims and everything to do with and about it. So I thought you guys might want to know the history and creation about the sims. How the idea came to be.

Architectual ideas?

Everybody needs some type of inspiration for their works. Either if its for papers, culinary masterpieces or why not sims architectual ideas?

With the Sims building mode you can build whatever your mind and heart can think of. When I started playing sims and messing around with building mode. I would start off small and build like houses and small business. Once my skills got stronger and I spent hours on the computer. Eventually I could build mansions, apartment duplexes etc. All I did was take inspiration from around my home town and do my best do build it.

So im going to attach a map of some ideas of buildings you could build!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Sims Pets

Just like in real life, we all have and need some type of furry friends in our life. It doesnt neccisarily have to be furry either. It can be scaley, hard shell, feathery or just whatever. Just like you and me. Sims need that kind of friends in their life too.

My first Sims Pet pack was on my Playstation 2. Me amd my roomate would play day and night trying to make our pets frindly and train them correctly. Whatever you can do with your pet at home you can also do virtually in the Sims World.

I created my first pet on the Sims Pets. She was a grey British Short-haired cat. With lots of hours and dedication to making a exact replica of her. I have finally done it. I have created my childhood cat. I was pretty proud of myself.

Like I have said before the possibilites are endless, with what you can do on the Sims.

Not every system and base game has Sims Pets. Only Sims 3 and Sims 3 has the option of the Pets and only the XBOX, Playsation and PC/MAC computers have the capabilites for it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sims Online Community

Just like the Xbox live or Xbox one where you can hook up to the internet and play with your friends, share your creations, look at ads etc. With the Sims Online community you can alot of the same things.

You will have to first make a Origin account. Thats the company login service that they use to make the magic happen. After that you can create an avatar then enter the real Sims World. There is lots of stuff you can do like open the gallery and see potencial stuff to add to your world like: already made builidng and houses, families, clothings and objects. Most of the stuff is made by fellow simmers!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Possiblity of Sims 5?

The questions that is on many sims obsessed minds is the possbility of Sims 5. The creator at EA are not sure when the relaese date is or if there is even going to be a Sims 5 at all. Whats stopping the creators on furthering on our dreams of Sims 5 is the lack of buying from Sims 4. Just in the ordinary world we need money coming in to spend on things we want and need, same goes for the creators, there is just not enough Sims merchandise selling.

If we want Sims 5 to happen. We  need to buy more sims related stuff like expansion packs, more base games, stuff packs etc.

Here is a link that will give you more information about it.