The questions that is on many sims obsessed minds is the possbility of Sims 5. The creator at EA are not sure when the relaese date is or if there is even going to be a Sims 5 at all. Whats stopping the creators on furthering on our dreams of Sims 5 is the lack of buying from Sims 4. Just in the ordinary world we need money coming in to spend on things we want and need, same goes for the creators, there is just not enough Sims merchandise selling.
If we want Sims 5 to happen. We need to buy more sims related stuff like expansion packs, more base games, stuff packs etc.
Here is a link that will give you more information about it.
Interesting! It seems like there are always new versions of games coming out each year. Would you buy Sims 5?