Just like any other game, The Sims has there own set of cheats that you can activate for your game. There is cheats for money, moving objects, sims realtionships, possible deaths, and so much more
People call it cheating, but I call it enhancing the game. As you play Sims 1-4 you can tell that the creators are making more and more cheats for each base game the next cheat more elaberate then the next.
I would strongly suggest playing the game without cheats first, you cant fully appreicite the cheats until you have played the game the old fashion way. Down below I will put links for all 4 base game cheats. Enjoy them just as much as I did.
Sims 1-http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/193984-the-sims/cheats
Sims 2- http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/914811-the-sims-2/cheats
Sims 3- http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/cheats.php
Sims 4-http://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/cheats.php
Uh oh, no cheating! I like what you said about playing the game with no cheats first. I think I'd find it more fun that way. But like you said, it's just enhancing the game.